Category: Tech-Notes
SSH for Windows
A lot of people might be aware, that windows supports the openssh client natively now. Just had over to powershell and enter ssh and you can start a ssh connection. But… How many knew that you can setup openssh server too? Let’s give it a try:
Shrink Thin Provisioned Disk
Here’s a very quick overview over how to shirnk a bloated vmdk. Check Datastore Get ID of Datastore: Check state of Datastore: Clear File-System Windows You can use SDelete by Sysinternals: Linux Create a file containing zeros and fill disk with it: Shrink VMDK Now you can ssh into the esx and “punsh” the zeros:
OpenSSL Convert
PFX to Key Remove password from key PFX to Cert Fixing PFX withs Issues (pfx -> pem -> pfx) Open Powershell in the bin folder of OpenSSL and run these commands (replace old.pfx is your current, new.pfx will be the fixed one. You might have to enter the pfx password a few times):
LVM Disk Resize
Reload Disk Info Resize Disk Use parted to resize partition if needed Resize pv Resize lv Resize fs
Graylog Migration
How The easiest way to migrate a graylog instance, is to build a new one and migrate elasticsearch data by combining the two elasticsearch nodes to a cluster and replicating all data. Which issues will I have? Hopefully none 😀 But realistically, you will have to reinstall content-packs or at least clone & delete all…
Exchange Online SMTP Annonymous Relay
Add Firewallrule: Install: In O365 create a connector for anonymous releay from this ip.