Here’s a very quick overview over how to shirnk a bloated vmdk.
Check Datastore
Get ID of Datastore:
esxcli storage core device list | grep -B1 ' Display Name:'
Check state of Datastore:
$ esxcli storage core device list -d naa.668a828100177dc6c624663100000006 | grep 'Thin Provisioning\|Attached Filter\|VAAI\|Revision'
Revision: XXXX
Thin Provisioning Status: yes
Attached Filters:
VAAI Status: supported
$ esxcli storage core device vaai status get -d naa.668a828100177dc6c624663100000006 | grep 'Delete Status'
Delete Status: supported
Clear File-System
You can use SDelete by Sysinternals:
sdelete.exe -z C:\
Create a file containing zeros and fill disk with it:
dd if=/dev/zero of=/[mounted-volume]/zeroes && rm -f /[mounted-volume]/zeroes
Shrink VMDK
Now you can ssh into the esx and “punsh” the zeros:
vmkfstools -K [disk].vmdk
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