Tag: linux

  • Opensearch – Yellow / Top Queries

    With an update of opensearch there suddenly is a new index called top_queries-xxxx. This will turn yellow on a single-node cluster, as it want’s two replicase. Apperantely, it’s not in the interest of opensearch, to create stuff, that works with their own software. So we have to fix it ourtselfs. Once again. Luckely this is…

  • Graylog fix wrong field type

    Sometimes you’ll get a indexing error, because the field type couldn’t be matched. This will look something like this: You can fix this, by changing the mapping in opensearch. Usually you do this directely on the index, but with roating indexes like in graylog, this won’t work. That’s why we need to create a template,…

  • acme.sh & traefik cert issue

    acme.sh renew doesn’t work Let’s tackel the acme.sh issue first. I sent a renew command with manual DNS verification, the renew went through without errors, but the cert didn’t renew. This is a known issue: https://github.com/acmesh-official/acme.sh/issues/4041 The solution is to delete these lines in the config file under ~/.acme.sh/yourdomain/yourdomain.conf: After that send the usual renew…

  • K3S Traefik – HTTP Redirection

    You want to redirect all trafic from http to https? You got a K3S Cluster with traefik installed? Fear not my friend. I almost started crying, no matter what, it didn’t work. Finally I found the solution. We just create a HelmChartConfig which basically injects config into a helm chart, and add 3 lines to…

  • Cron in Docker (PHP)

    You wanna get corn running in a container? Maybe a php based container? This sucks. So let’s try to figure it out. What I did is create a docker image as following: The entrypoint looks like this: And we add a cron.sh file: Now we can use this image normally to run a php container,…

  • Elasticsearch 2 Opensearch

    You might want to move from elasticsearch to opensearch due to the changes of graylog 5.I was at the same position. We currently deploy mostly single-node standalone environments. This procedure is suited for those environments. 1. Step – Update Mongodb We are upgrading from 4.2 to 6.0. This can only be done with steps between…

  • Fix Graylog Watermark

    If you monitor your graylog server already and use a single node instance, there is no real need for a watermark on your open/elasticsearch server. Here you go:

  • The application ‘add’ does not exist.

    You’re trying to run dotnet add package <PACKAGE> on a RHEL based system and get this error: Issue The problem is, the .rpm inside the microsoft repo has dependencies on packages like dotnet-hostfxr-6.0.x86_64, which are also present in the default AppStream repo. So it gets the packages from the wrong repository. Solution You’re in luck. There is a…