Category: Tech-Notes
Webhook Mini-Server
I have an application that only allows alerting over a HTTP-Post request, without any specification over the body, headers, etc. This does not work for us. We need more flexibility. So I created a simple python script, that starts a webserver, which than runs bash scripts/local commands. Simple, not too secure (but it will only…
Troubleshooting – Monitor File Access with SysMon
I want to monitor what files are created, deleted, etc. on a local drive for troubleshooting. Sysmon by SysInternals should be able to do it. So let’s give it a go. Config First we need a config file. This one monitores file delete/create. There are loads more options to choose from. Install Let’s install this…
Cron in Docker (PHP)
You wanna get corn running in a container? Maybe a php based container? This sucks. So let’s try to figure it out. What I did is create a docker image as following: The entrypoint looks like this: And we add a file: Now we can use this image normally to run a php container,…
Elasticsearch 2 Opensearch
You might want to move from elasticsearch to opensearch due to the changes of graylog 5.I was at the same position. We currently deploy mostly single-node standalone environments. This procedure is suited for those environments. 1. Step – Update Mongodb We are upgrading from 4.2 to 6.0. This can only be done with steps between…
Fix Graylog Watermark
If you monitor your graylog server already and use a single node instance, there is no real need for a watermark on your open/elasticsearch server. Here you go:
The application ‘add’ does not exist.
You’re trying to run dotnet add package <PACKAGE> on a RHEL based system and get this error: Issue The problem is, the .rpm inside the microsoft repo has dependencies on packages like dotnet-hostfxr-6.0.x86_64, which are also present in the default AppStream repo. So it gets the packages from the wrong repository. Solution You’re in luck. There is a…
SSH for Windows
A lot of people might be aware, that windows supports the openssh client natively now. Just had over to powershell and enter ssh and you can start a ssh connection. But… How many knew that you can setup openssh server too? Let’s give it a try: