Category: Tech-Notes
Opensearch – Yellow / Top Queries
With an update of opensearch there suddenly is a new index called top_queries-xxxx. This will turn yellow on a single-node cluster, as it want’s two replicase. Apperantely, it’s not in the interest of opensearch, to create stuff, that works with their own software. So we have to fix it ourtselfs. Once again. Luckely this is…
Veeam VMs deleted – Tape Job
When you delete a VM from VMware, that has been backuped by Veeam and Tape, the tape job will prompt a warning. This can easily be fixed, by disabling and enabling the Tape Job.
Graylog fix wrong field type
Sometimes you’ll get a indexing error, because the field type couldn’t be matched. This will look something like this: You can fix this, by changing the mapping in opensearch. Usually you do this directely on the index, but with roating indexes like in graylog, this won’t work. That’s why we need to create a template,…
- & traefik cert issue renew doesn’t work Let’s tackel the issue first. I sent a renew command with manual DNS verification, the renew went through without errors, but the cert didn’t renew. This is a known issue: The solution is to delete these lines in the config file under ~/ After that send the usual renew…
VMware Tools Install – Error 21004
When we tried to mount the VMware Tools with the button “Install VMware Tools”, we got the Error 21004. In the vmware.log of that particular VM, we got this error: This is a known issue, where changing the product locker leads to file permission errors. This can be fixed by reapplying the file permissions. Put…
Self-Signed Cert on Windows
It’s easy to create a self-signed cert on windows: If you have something like the SQL Reporting Service, you’ll have to trust the certificate. So we can extend the command like this:
K3S Traefik – HTTP Redirection
You want to redirect all trafic from http to https? You got a K3S Cluster with traefik installed? Fear not my friend. I almost started crying, no matter what, it didn’t work. Finally I found the solution. We just create a HelmChartConfig which basically injects config into a helm chart, and add 3 lines to…