GeoIP in Nginx Proxy Manager

I’ve tried to add GeoIP2 to my Nginx Proxy Manager. After finding a few blogs and articles that “explain” how to do it, I got more confused. Here is the final guide, that will help you.

First you need to setup a 2nd docker container, that will download your GeoIP2 database from maxmind. They got a docker image for that. Should be simple.

After that, add the databases to your nginx proxymanager like this:

      - /your/geoip/folder:/geoip

    Now add files to the nginx proxy manager data volume.

    Add/create the file nginx/custom/http_top.conf to your npm data folder:

    geoip2 /geoip/GeoLite2-Country.mmdb {
        $geoip2_data_country_iso_code country iso_code;
    map $geoip2_data_country_iso_code $allowed_country {
      default 0;
      CH 1;
      # Add your countries like CH here

    Add/create the file nginx/custom/root_top.conf to your npm data folder:

    load_module /usr/lib/nginx/modules/;
    load_module /usr/lib/nginx/modules/;

    Now add this to all your proxies (or the ones you want it to work for) in the advanced tab:

    if ($allowed_country = 0) {
    	return 404;


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